March 02, 2005

Muni Across Texas: Profiles of Municipal Broadband Projects

We are all working to assure a bright broadband future for Texas. The broadband present, however, has some pretty remarkable stories. Starting tonight, Save Muni Wireless will bring you some of those stories.

We've added a new section called "Muni Across Texas." It's been added to the web site sidebar. We will use this new feature to profile some of the municipal broadband projects across Texas.

Tonight, we are profiling the TaylorCNet and the North East Texas Wireless Initiative. More projects will be added in the coming days.

Please send us email if you have information on a project we should profile. If you have any additions or corrections to a profile we've posted, please send us email or post a blog comment.

Posted by chip at March 2, 2005 08:47 PM